BlogLearn Unlocking the enigma of white spot disease: impact and..September 7, 2023Horizone In the tranquil world of aquariums and fish tanks, a seemingly innocuous threat hides beneath the shimmering..Read more
Blog Unveiling the ammonia: potent silent killer in your fish..August 11, 2023Horizone Ammonia Ammonia is a colourless highly irritating gas with a sharp suffocating odor. It dissolves easily in..Read more
BlogpH Demystifying Fish tank pH – A Comprehensive Guide to..August 5, 2023Horizone What is pH? pH means “power” of “Hydrogen” which measures how much acidic or basic..Read more
Anchor wormsBlogPet Ownership Anchor Worms in Freshwater Fish Causes, Treatment, and..July 12, 2023Horizone Anchor worms are one of the scariest nightmares for aquarium hobbyists. These tiny worm-like structures are..Read more
BettaBlogPet Ownership The Fascinating World of Betta Fish: A Comprehensive Guide..August 26, 2022Horizone Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are a popular choice for both beginner and experienced..Read more